
March 31, 2011


ShowRaum is an exhibiton-space for re-designed furniture and basic commodity. I love their ideas.
For more information go to their website: showraum You can find them also on Etsy

Farm House

"The site is located in the centre of beautiful small village Mala Lhota in the valley of the hilly countryside in the middle of Czech Republic. Existing rural buildings on the site were in very bad condition and therefore demolished and removed. The main design concept was to create building which would be traditional, modest and friendly to it’s neighbourhood and surrounding village context. The form of the new building complies with traditional Czech rural house."
More information of this Family House in Malá Lhota by Jarousek Rochova Architeckti at Architizer


This made me smile. Seen here

I got it

Some gifts appear a bit later than scheduled. Like this!
I adore everything from MUUTO.
You won`t need a Gift Complaint Form in case of donation. Yes!


Love this. I need to find a place in the house for this beautyful calendar from ferm-living.
It combines three of my favorite things: calendars (you can never have enough), squares and Post-its.
Check out more wonderful ideas at ferm-living.

Gift Complaint Form

THIS is awesome! I`m going to translate it and pack it along with the next gifts. I always have a hard time figuring out what my parents, friends or my godchild would like. This makes me a bit more comfortable and I won`t be hurt if someone sends the gift back with the filled form.
Found it here.

March 24, 2011

Color IQ Test

After the first row all went a bit dizzy. Very cool, it`s worth a try.
Test it!

March 23, 2011


This is a day of days. A date were a few things change. Projekts are waiting  to be done ... some on my desk, some in my head, some I haven`t even thought about ... and I want to share them with you.
So lets see how this work out!